Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Wiki has now been created. Please join us!

Hey Everyone,
I spent some time tonight creating a "wiki" for our use in sharing resources and ideas in technology. I am excited about being a teacher in the 21st century!
 It doesn't matter if we have years of technological experience or none at all. We are all in this together.  If you are an educator that has that  experience, please share your knowledge with all of us. Please join both my "blog" and "wiki" and check out the updates I will bring to you, and the ideas and resources others will share.
Most of our students live in a very fast paced world when they are not in school, and we need to bring our classrooms to that level in order to keep their interest. The students of today simply don't learn the way that you and I did when we were in school.
My point is this, we are all professional educators and we all must work together to help our students become competitive in high school, college, and a global economy. This goal will take us some time, so please join me in this effort, together we can reach any goal! --- Rod Hull

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Escalator of Technology

A Professor I had in my Masters Degree Program at Lesley University had  this description of what Technology in Education is all about.
"Technology is like a never ending escalator. You can stand at the bottom, cross your arms and complain how long it is and never step on. I don't know whether you are stepping on at the first step or at the 100th, but hang on and enjoy the ride. Thanks for stepping on."
I am here to share some ideas of how we can all bring technology into our classrooms. We can work and learn together to accomplish this goal. I don't claim to have all the answers, but can share many ideas and resources. I look forward to working with each of you.